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J.P. Katz
Jun 16, 20242 min read
The "Settlers" of Judea, Samaria & Jordan Valley | The Pioneers (Ep. 1)
Moshe farms land in one of the most highly disputed pieces of real estate in the world, in the middle of a desert. This is his story.

J.P. Katz
Feb 18, 20241 min read
Hamas War Games Decoded
Col. Grish Yakubovich (res) who spend decades in the IDF serving as combat soldier, acting "mayor" of Gaza until 1994 and from 2012 - 2016 w

J.P. Katz
Feb 8, 20249 min read
The Price to Pay for Peace
Did Hamas already declare victory? Were Israel's gestures for peace senseless? Why didn't it work? Israel misunderstood the Hamas war games.

J.P. Katz
Oct 16, 20231 min read
Are governments unknowingly funding genocidal education?
Did you know that taxpayers around the world indirectly fund genocidal education in Hamas and Palestinian schools via the U.N.?

J.P. Katz
Oct 8, 20231 min read
Has Israel Created a State of Chaos in the West Bank?
Ranking members of the Israeli Knesset weigh in about how the Israeli military and governmental leaders need to wake up before its too late.

J.P. Katz
Jul 26, 20231 min read
Lessons Learned From the Gaza Strip
Review the disengagement from Gaza with residents of Gush Katif and military generals. Has Israel learned the Lessons from the Gaza Strip?

J.P. Katz
Aug 21, 20223 min read
Derech Emunah: Founding a New Yishuv in the Hills of Judea |הישוב מאחז החרדי דרך אמונה בהרי יהודה
This film chronicles the actual early morning Aug. 15, 2022 ascent by approximately 50 - 100 men to build a new village in the Judea hills.

J.P. Katz
Mar 13, 20224 min read
Media and War Against Israel: Fight for the Camera
People try to ignore this rabbit hell hole but it keeps surfacing all over our small planet as countries war against each other.

J.P. Katz
Dec 12, 20216 min read
Is the Palestinian Authority Using Bedouin Children?
Is the European Union funding squatters to live east of East Jerusalem putting the lives of Bedouin children in harms way?

J.P. Katz
Oct 3, 20213 min read
Farming the Judean Hills (West Bank)
This documentary looks at the Arab Israeli relations not from the viewpoint of politicians but rather from the citizens on the ground.
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